Friday, May 22, 2009

Simple harmonic motion.Image via Wikipedia

So I'm practicing Side to Side... side

I'm noticing how my butt moves - in connection with the whole deal - wow!
and what's not moving... okay.

I'm feeling the connections down my legs, and man... is it ever different than I thought at first. It feels solid, but mobile, and there is a twisting in the muscles of my legs, but this twist does not feel like it's jiving my knees, which I like!
And also there's my upper body.. hanging out... right there where it's always been, asking me when I'm going to pay attention to it in more of a way than just making sure it stays above my hips. (I think it's really cool that it's asking for the next step)

And here I am again. side side side

noticing when it's:

Side..&@^*#$))*(^!...........@#..#$! side


Side....................!@#$.......!@#%!#$^..*!%@$(!^!! side

and looking for more............................................................
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Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Wujifa in my life

Wujifa is a big part of my life. I've been practicing for 6 years, ever since I turned 18, and the joy and growth it has brought me has been huge. When I first began practicing Wujifa, I was pretty depressed and shy as well, and although I still struggle with these factors in my life, I feel that they are no longer in charge, but just something to be noticed as I follow my intention. This is a big part of what Wujifa has been for me, a way to become more fully myself, and find my ability to surpass the obstacles I find both internally and externally, to develop my internal strength.

Internal strength is physical and mental, you might even say it's a spiritual thing, and Wujifa is a system of developing all of these. I'm reminded of the greek phrase "Know thyself", and how Wujifa has been a way for me to know myself more fully, not in a static way, but a knowledge that is a growing and a becoming as well as an essence and a being. There is no end to feeling, understanding, and being aware.