Thursday, September 3, 2009


Usually I don't post other peoples' articles up, but this one really warrants it. It's the story of how people decide what is beautiful and worth their time, and the story of how a musician who pulls in $1000 a minute to perform made 37 bucks in an hour.

Pearls Before Breakfast

By Gene Weingarten
Washington Post Staff Writer
Sunday, April 8, 2007; Page W10

HE EMERGED FROM THE METRO AT THE L'ENFANT PLAZA STATION AND POSITIONED HIMSELF AGAINST A WALL BESIDE A TRASH BASKET. By most measures, he was nondescript: a youngish white man in jeans, a long-sleeved T-shirt and a Washington Nationals baseball cap. From a small case, he removed a violin. Placing the open case at his feet, he shrewdly threw in a few dollars and pocket change as seed money, swiveled it to face pedestrian traffic, and began to play.

Full article

Sometimes beauty and value is not where you expect it to be. Do you have time to see a master even if he doesn't wear the tai chi pajamas?